Storm brings Freezing Rain to Ontario ቶሮንቶ በ ከፍተኛ የበረዶ ውሽንፍር እየተመታች ነው

Toronto and Southern Ontario is being hit by a Freezing Rain and Ice pellets. The province is bracing itself for a stormy weather over the weekend .ቶሮንቶ በ ከፍተኛ የበረዶ ውሽንፍር እየተመታች ነው ፥፥ የ ኦንታሪዮ ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ኣሽከርካሪዎች መኪኖቻቸውን እንዳይጠቀሙ እያስጠነቀቀ ነው ዛሬ ብቻ ከ 400 በላይ የ መኪና ግጭቶች ረፖርት ተደርገዋል
በ ኣንዳንድ ቦታዎች የ ኤሌትሪክ መቋረጥ ተከሰቷል ከ 10 ሺ በላይ ነዋሪዎች ካለ የ ኤሌትሪክ ሃይል መቅረታቸው እየተዘገበ ነው፤፤ በ ቶሮንቶ ኢንተርናሽናል ኤርፖርት በመቶዎች የሚቆጠሩ በረራዎች ተሰርዘዋል፤፤

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) reported more than 400 collisions so far . The police urges drivers to stay away from the road. The roads are slippery and the stormy ice makes it difficult for drivers to concentrate CBC reported that most of the collisions are minor and includes cars going in to ditches and bumping in to the concrete walls . 

Toronto is still under the freezing weather alert by Environment Canada. The city is expected to see icy rain tomorrow . 

Power outages are also expected in some areas . 


Yohannes Ayalew

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